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Malick Peterson Productions, Inc. reserves the right to modify the information contained in this site(s) from time to time without notice and does not assume any responsibility for the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of any information contained in this site(s). This site(s) may contain hypertext links to other World Wide Web sites which are completely independent of this site(s). Malick Peterson Productions, Inc. makes no representation or warranty as to the accuracy, completeness or authenticity of the information contained in any such hypertext link and/or site(s) content.
This site(s) may also contain photos, images, graphics, brand name and/or company logos, sound clips and files, data and text, all which Malick Peterson Productions, Inc. assumes no liability for the ownership of such material. Malick Peterson Productions, Inc. use of the phrase "Created by Malick Peterson Productions, Inc." in this site(s) refers to the application source code, and not to the photos, images, graphics, brand name and/or company logos, sound clips and files, data and text contained therein.